What is Emotional Freedom Technique?
Emotional Freedom Technique or “Tapping” (as many refer to it as) is a system combining tapping on your energy meridians while focusing on the existing “problem” (like difficult memories, negative thoughts, bothersome emotions) can calm and in many cases rid you of the problem you’re working on.
The amygdala in the limbic portion of your brain is the area of our brain that house stressful memories and traumas. When we tap on the specific tapping points we are tapping into the amygdala portion of the limbic system “down regulating” the triggers or cues that we hold in our troublesome memories. After only a few moments of tapping on the tapping points, calming hormones are released into the body and there will be a sense of neutrality around the specific issues being worked on. In general, energy is much faster than chemistry. Nerve impulses travel through your body much faster than neuropeptides move through our blood stream. Every time we tap, we are forming a tiny spark of piezo-electricity and sending it through our meridian system. These energy meridians are information channels as well as energy channels. These tiny sparks are encoded with information for our entire system. Generally, the message is that this issue (whatever we are working on) is no longer a threat or problem. All negative emotions are disruptions in the body’s energy system. With EFT we retain the memory, but discharge the emotions by smoothing out the energetic disruption. EFT “tapping “ is a powerful tool to use for uncovering hidden beliefs and old programming that keep us stuck in unhealthy patterns, choices or even relationships that limit us.
So now what?
When we experience trauma our bodies go from fight of flight mode into “freeze” response. A part of us splits off to contain the unbearable feelings; a survival mechanism.
In the face of danger our body/minds go into shock. We dissociate from our body. On one hand we never fully experience the trauma and on the other hand the splintered off part of us never stops experiencing the trauma.
As an adult it is a memory, the ECHO or younger self never stops experiencing it.
Your younger self is also called your ECHO which stands for Energetic Consciousness Hologram. It is an energy that lives in our local fields as part of our quantum field.
Even though the ECHO has no physical body it does have an independent consciousness. The consciousness of the time and space when the trauma occurred, The ECHO never ages. No matter how many life experiences/learning experiences you've gone through the ECHO stays trapped in the original event.
When something in your life now triggers that old memory, we often access the feelings of our younger self. We can experience intense emotions that don’t make any sense. Often feelings of anxiety or being frightened when there isn’t anything dangerous actually happening now.
In Matrix Reimprinting we work with your ECHO directly. We collaborate to access and communicate with the younger self.
ECHOs are real! Our ECHOs are frozen in time, many years ago. Our ECHO/younger self often has access to memories that our conscious self has forgotten.
When we connect to the ECHO on a specific memory, we ask a few specific questions like:
“what is your younger self feeling?”
“What did you decide in this moment about yourself and about life?”
I will then lead you through tapping on your younger self. This is done through a guided meditative imagination – you imagine tapping on your ECHO as you or I tap on your physical tapping points. (disclaimer: I was in disbelief that this actually worked when I first learned about this, in case you’re questioning this too!) EFT is very effective and even more effective if you go to the root cause of the issue.
Helping your ECHO release its stress is the beginning.
We often form our core beliefs in the ECHO experiences. What did we decide as real in those moments. These core beliefs we form in those times are filters that can help up or really mess us up!
As children, we are hardwired with the survival mechanism of taking on responsibility for everything that goes on around them. “If it’s my fault that daddy beats mommy maybe if I’m a nicer kid daddy will stop.” This means children often make self-destructive decisions that are very harmful to the:
“I’m unsafe nobody has my back”
“People I love don’t love me back”
“mommy doesn’t love me”
“I’m unlovable”
“It’s not OK to relax and play, I always have to be on guard “
These negative core beliefs harm havoc on our lives often derailing us as we try to attend our long-desired goals. We are always looking for confirmation that our beliefs are true. We often reenact the same bad experience all through our lives thus confirming the unhealthy core beliefs. With or without noticing.
With Matrix Reimprinting we tap away the distress of our ECHO, asking questions like “How would you like this picture to change?”
Often the present client is very surprised at how the ECHO would like the picture to look. This new picture always reverses the negative decision that the ECHO had originally made.
For example, the ECHO says “I want mommy to let me be me”. I ask client “Can you picture that for your ECHO?” If the answer is yes then BOOM great. If the client says “No! I really can’t see that!! Mom always never let me do anything but what she wanted.”
We then have to speak to mom in that memory – allowing her to voice her reasoning for her behavior, often things that were unknown to the ECHO, things from mom’s passed usually when she was a little girl that makes her act the way she did. Once the discharging of the trauma is complete (EFT sometimes is used too) and the ECHO has formed a much better picture, we reimprint the new picture. This is done by imprinting the new picture into the client’s mind, body and heart and then radiating it out to the matrix.
Changing the picture for your ECHO is very real.
We’re not denying that the actual event happened. As adults we can access the original event if we wish, the difference is that the emotional distress will be gone. The ECHO is no longer trapped! All the disrupted energy around that event has been smoothed out. The ECHO doesn’t have to try to reenact the horrible memory or remain stuck there. This new lovely picture can transform us.
When I encountered Matrix Reimprinting my life transformed. I now have the honor of helping others experience life-changing relief which allows them to reach their goals and the freedom from the painful memories from the past.
If you’d like to try it out for yourself, I’m ready when you are!